The Jackie and Laurie Show

It's A Grind (#375)

Episode Summary

This week Jackie (@jackiekashian) and Laurie (@anylaurie16) talk proof of life, pretend to be professional and clarify Heat vs The Heat...

Episode Notes

This week Jackie (@jackiekashian) and Laurie (@anylaurie16) talk proof of life, pretend to be professional and clarify Heat vs The Heat...


Comic of the Week: Gina Stahl-Haven @thefunnygina (instagram)


Places to get Jackie's album “Stay Kashian”


Places to get Laurie's album “Corset”


Buy Laurie’s books:


Laurie has T-shirts!


Buy anything from Jackie:


Follow Jackie @jackiekashian and @anylaurie16 on Twitter!


Here's all the websites you've ever wanted to ignore


Released here on Monday's: